Women With Latitude Choir performing live


Membership to this group requires an ability to sing and some musical experience. Recruitment only occurs for specific singing parts when required.

If you are interested in joining, please join our waiting list. Invitations to audition will be extended to those on the waiting list when the opportunity arises (every one or two years).

To apply for audition, please ensure you have read Women with Latitude’s Policies and can commit to these.

To be included on our waiting list, all sections of the form below must be completed. You will be contacted by email immediately, and then by phone to discuss your interest and confirm your information.



Women with Latitude rehearsals are held every Monday night during the four school terms and fees are paid by members twice a year. There are occasional rehearsals held during school breaks if additional practice is required to prepare for a performance and sectional groups will occasionally get together to rehearse their parts.